Unity San Diego Youth & Family Ministry
Sunday Mornings Classes at 10am (PDT) now on the 2nd floor of the Tower in our new YFM Classroom .... "The Clubhouse"
Teaching our young people about service, compassion, empathy and love is in alignment with our Unity principles. We look forward to an exciting activities and lessons.
The UniTeen/YOU Thursday game night once/week will continue on Zoom until young people decide they no longer want to participate.
Contact Lauren, our YFM Director at yfmunity@gmail.com for more information.
YFM Sunday Morning Classes
All of our young people are together during the lessons for in-person learning on the 5th floor of the Tower at 10am every Sunday morning. Teaching our young people about service, compassion, empathy and love is in alignment with our Unity principles.
We look forward to an exciting activities and lessons. The UniTeen/YOU Thursday game night once/week will continue on Zoom until young people decide they no longer want to participate.
Our Mission
To create safe, loving, and fun environments where children and teens can explore their relationship with God; where each individual journey to self-awareness/God awareness is honored.
Our Vision
Our vision is that each child know and experience that they are loved and supported by a community of faith that holds them precious, unique and irreplaceable; that each child become aware of God within them, and know that with God’s help they have the power to create an amazing life.
Unity’s Five Basic Principles for Youth
- God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.
- I am naturally good because God’s divinity is in me and in everyone.
- I create my experiences by what I choose to think and what I feel and believe.
- Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life.
- I do and give my best by living the truth I know. I make a difference.
Our Youth and Family Ministry Department serves youth of all ages every Sunday morning in Wrigley Hall. For more information, contact the church office at 619-280-2501, ext. 102.